Winner winner chicken dinner
An expression or declaration of victory, especially in a game of chance.
Winner winner chicken dinner is a phrase exclaimed to celebrate a victory, especially in gambling. It is also the phrase you will see if you win (you won't) a round of the video game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.
Winner winner chicken dinner是用来庆祝胜利的短语,尤其是在赌博中。如果你在游戏《绝地求生》(unknown’s Battlegrounds)中赢了一局,你也会看到这句话。
winner winner chicken dinner这个短语的确切起源是有争议的,它可能来自赌徒。这个词最流行的起源是,在拉斯维加斯赌场吃一顿鸡肉晚餐要花2美元,和普通赌局的价格一样。所以,如果你打赌赢了,你就赢了一顿鸡肉晚餐。
然而,一本关于掷骰子行话的书的作者大卫·古兹曼(David Guzman)表示,这个词来自上世纪30年代大萧条时期那些背井离乡的赌徒。这些孤注一掷的赌徒为了赢得一顿鸡肉晚餐不惜倾尽所有。由于在2008年的电影《21世纪赌场劫案》中频繁使用,这个短语在主流社会中大受欢迎。
2017年多人射击视频游戏《绝地求生》(PUBG)发布后,Winner winner chicken dinner在网上走红。游戏开发者Brendan Greene是这句话的粉丝,他在自己创造的大多数battle-royale模式中都使用了这句话。如果一名玩家成功地成为了这场艰难游戏的唯一幸存者,他们就会在获胜后看到这句话。
“Winner, winner, chicken (for) dinner” has been cited in print since at least 1990, when it was printed in the Reno (NV) Gazette-Journal. The origin of the term is often credited to an unnamed Chinese blackjack dealer at Binion’s Horseshoe casino in Las Vegas. The phrase was popularized by several ESPN sports announcers, and was used in the gambling movie 21 (2008).
Winner winner chicken dinner这句话至少从1990年就被引用了,当时它被印在了里诺的地名杂志上。这个词的起源通常被认为是拉斯维加斯宾宁马蹄形赌场的一位不知名的中国21点发牌人。这个短语是由ESPN的几位体育播音员推广开来的,并被用于赌博电影《21》(2008)中。